
I. Definition Ontology is the investigation of being. It concentrates on a few related inquiries: What things exist? (stars yes, unicorns no, numbers . . . indeed?) What classifications do they have a place with? (are numbers physical properties or just thoughts?) Is there such an incredible concept as target reality? What does the verb "to be" mean? Some of these inquiries may appear to be agonizingly unique and not extremely helpful, but rather they are and dependably have been immensely essential to a few logicians, particularly to the individuals who put stock in foundationalism. Foundationalist savants trust that to touch base at truth it is important to begin with the most central issues—to make certain about the establishments of philosophy– and after that work our way up from that point to more particular inquiries. In the event that you trust in foundationalism, at that point presumably the most essential inquiries are ontological inquiries! Philosoph...